Soul Full Wellness

Ayurveda Spring Cleanse

April 8-14th, 2024

Can you feel it? Spring's gentle breath is upon us, inviting us into a dance of rejuvenation and light. It's like the universe is offering us a sweet chance to press the refresh button on our health and zest for life. How about we seize this moment together with the Soul Full Springs Cleanse?

Let's start

Come As You Are

As the snow melts and the first buds of spring appear, we embrace the renewal and growth that this vibrant season brings. In Ayurveda, spring is associated with the Kapha dosha, characterized by qualities of earthiness, moisture, and stability. This time of year calls us to shed the heaviness of winter and rejuvenate our bodies and spirits, making it an ideal moment for a gentle, yet profound, Ayurvedic cleanse.

Nourish and nurture yourself so that you can attune to the season, and prioritize self care...all with the support of a nurturing community!

Benefits of Gentle Ayurveda Cleanse

  • Detoxifies: Gently eliminates toxins accumulated during the winter months, cleansing the body and mind.

  • Invigorates: Awakens and revitalizes the body's natural energy, countering the lethargy that often accompanies Kapha dominance

  • Harmonizes: Aligns us with the rejuvenating energy of spring, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

  • Reduces Cravings :Diminish the pull of sugar, caffeine, and processed foods, opening the door to healthier choices.

  • Mindful Eating: Cultivate a deeper understanding of true hunger and mindful eating practices.

  • Community Connection: Forge meaningful relationships with fellow participants, creating a network of support and encouragement.

  • Seasonal Alignment: Receive expert guidance from Rian to make food and lifestyle choices that resonate with the season's essence.

Welcome to Your Spring Renewal! 🌱

From energizing green juices to the comforting warmth of kitchari, every aspect of this cleanse is designed with love, care, and a dash of Soul Full magic. And the best part? You'll be doing this surrounded by a community of like-minded friends, all guided by yours truly.

Hey there! I'm Rian Gufarotti, and I'm beyond excited to invite you to join us for the Soul Full Wellness Spring Cleanse, a week where we'll embrace the vibrant energies of spring to nourish, align, and rejuvenate ourselves - together.

Imagine waking up each day feeling more connected to your body, your mind, and the world around you. Picture yourself savoring every bite of delicious, wholesome food that not only tastes amazing but also does wonders for your wellbeing. That's what we're all about here at Soul Full Wellness, and I can't wait for you to experience it with us.

Mark Your Calendars! 📅 April 8–14, 2024

Set aside these dates for an adventure in wellness that's unlike any other. This isn't just a cleanse; it's a celebration of life, of spring, and of the incredible journey of self-care. We'll laugh, we'll learn, and we'll grow together.

So, are you ready to shake off the winter and step into spring with a heart full of joy and a body buzzing with vitality? Let's make this April unforgettable

What to expect during a Spring Cleanse

& Why We Want to do it

Welcoming Spring with Balance and Vitality

As the snow melts and the first buds of spring appear, we embrace the renewal and growth that this vibrant season brings. In Ayurveda, spring is associated with the Kapha dosha, characterized by qualities of earthiness, moisture, and stability. This time of year calls us to shed the heaviness of winter and rejuvenate our bodies and spirits, making it an ideal moment for a gentle, yet profound, Ayurvedic cleanse.

What does a cleanse do?

Detoxifies: Gently eliminates toxins accumulated during the winter months, cleansing the body and mind.

Invigorates: Awakens and revitalizes the body's natural energy, countering the lethargy that often accompanies Kapha dominance.

Harmonizes: Aligns us with the rejuvenating energy of spring, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

How do we cleanse?

Our Spring Cleanse employs nurturing practices tailored to balance Kapha and welcome the new season's vitality. The cleanse features a mono-diet centered around Kitchari—a nourishing blend of rice, mung dal, select vegetables, and invigorating spices—known for its ability to balance all three doshas while kindling the digestive fire.

In addition to Kitchari, you'll be guided through warm oil massages (Abhyanga) to stimulate and nourish the body, mindful meal spacing to optimize digestion, and daily routines that include mindfulness practices such as meditation and gentle yoga. These elements work together to create a holistic, balanced cleanse experience.

What will you eat?
Throughout the cleanse, you'll have the opportunity to engage in the mindful preparation of your meals, turning each dish into a meditative practice of self-care. Begin each day with a fresh, green juice to invigorate your system, or opt for a warm, comforting alternative suitable for balancing Kapha. Lunch and dinner will center around the grounding and satisfying Kitchari, accompanied by Ayurvedic condiments that add flavor and aid digestion. Depending on your personal constitution and needs, we may also recommend specific supplements, herbal teas, and cleansing rituals inspired by ancient Ayurvedic traditions..

The Soul Full Wellness Spring Cleanse Experience

The Soul Full Wellness Spring Cleanse is designed not only to detoxify but also to replenish and energize, allowing you to engage in your daily activities with ease and joy. Under Rian's expert guidance, the cleanse will be customized to suit your individual lifestyle, work, and family commitments, ensuring a seamless integration into your daily life.

This spring, we invite you to embark on a journey of renewal, to reconnect with the vital life force, or prana, within you, and to embrace the practices that foster health, happiness, and harmony. Join us in celebrating the season of renewal and experience the transformative power of aligning with the rhythms of nature and Ayurveda.

Live Calls

Guiding you through each step of the cleanse with expert insights and a supportive community.

 Daily Guidance

Offering you wisdom and practices to embrace the Ayurvedic cleanse with confidence.

Supporting your physical and spiritual well-being through yoga practices designed for the cleanse.

Embark on a Journey of Renewal with the Soul Full Wellness Spring Cleanse 🌿

Shopping Lists & Recipes

Learn about Ayurveda & YOU

Yoga & Mindfullness Practices

The Cost:

To make this experience accessible to all its only

$89 for the weekly cleanse

ADD On & Upgrades

Cleansing Kit

For those who wish to enhance their journey, we also offer a comprehensive Ayurveda cleansing kit that includes essentials to make your cleansing experience easy and manageable. Ingredients for Kitchari to include

Yellow Mung Dal Kitchari Spice Mix

Basmati Rice

Organic Ghee

Digestive tract support supplements

Triphala tablets

Herbal tea CCF Tea (Cumin, Coriander, Fennel) Massage Oil for Self-Massage - Abhyanga

Tongue Cleaner

Daily Swish Mint

Private Coaching and Support

Private one on one coaching session to keep you on track and help you move through obstacles during your cleansing experience included with Ayurveda cleansing kit option. Available within 30 days of cleanse.

Deep Dive - Extend to 30 days

For those of you that feel like a week is not long enough to really sink into your body, mind, and spirit to gain the results you want, simply opt in for the 28 day cleanse. Includes additional yoga and meditation practices weekly group check-ins and private one on one support. Extra content to guide in Program Portal to support you every step of the way.

The Cost:

To upgrade your experience and add on the Cleansing Kit with the Private Coaching Bonus


To Take a Deeper Dive with 28 day cleanse and additional support


The Cleanse Schedule


Thursday, April 4th - Info & Kickoff Call

6-7:30 pm MST

Live Introductory Session



Friday, April 5th-

Sunday, April 7

Shopping & Prep

Local Grocery Store


Monday, April 8th -

Sunday, April 14th

Cleansing & Live Daily Practice Sessions



Wednesday, April 10th 6:00 pm-

7:15 pm MST

Live midweek session & Check In



Sunday, April 14th

3:30 pm -

4:45 pm PDT

Closing Session


This Cleanse Can Also Be Taken On Your Own Time at Your Own Pace

Imagine waking up each morning feeling a surge of natural energy, not from your usual cup of coffee, but from a deeper, more vibrant source within. This is the promise of renewal that spring brings, and it's the heart of our Spring Cleanse at Soul Full Wellness. Picture yourself moving through your day with a lightness in your step, your body nourished with foods that are as rejuvenating as the morning dew, and your mind as clear as the spring sky.

For many of us, the path to this vitality is clouded by the everyday hustle, leaving us feeling bloated, sluggish, and disconnected from our own bodies. It's as if we're in a constant battle with our own well-being, caught in a cycle of quick fixes that never truly address the root of our discomfort. But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle, to cleanse not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well?

Enter the Soul Full Wellness Spring Cleanse, a sanctuary where you're lovingly guided back to your inner essence, to the vibrant health that's naturally yours. As you journey through this week-long cleanse, you'll be cradled in a community of like-minded women, each step a shared exploration of renewal and discovery.

Imagine the joy of crafting meals that are a celebration of life itself, each ingredient chosen for its ability to heal and invigorate your body. Feel the warmth of kitchari, a dish that's not just food, but medicine for the soul, soothing your digestive woes and wrapping you in comfort.

As the days unfold, notice the mental fog lifting, replaced by a clarity and focus that illuminates your thoughts and your path forward. Emotional turbulence gives way to tranquility, as if each mindful bite, each sip of herbal tea, whispers peace to your inner being.

This journey is about reconnecting, not just with food, but with yourself. It's an invitation to listen deeply, to honor the signals your body sends, and to nourish yourself with intention. In this space of reflection and connection, you'll find the strength to make lasting changes, to embrace self-care not as a luxury, but as a way of being.

The Soul Full Wellness Spring Cleanse is more than a program; it's a gateway to a life where every day is infused with purpose, passion, and pleasure. A life where you're empowered to live with abundance, guided by the wisdom of Ayurveda and the warmth of our community.

Join us on this transformative journey. Together, let's greet the spring with open hearts and renewed spirits, ready to bloom anew.

Your Guide

Hi! I'm Rian Elizabeth

I'm a Holistic Health & Wellness coach, yoga teacher, massage therapist, and spiritual guide. My passion lies in guiding individuals towards their innate healing abilities by helping them access their inner wisdom and self-love. My expertise includes leading transformative women's retreats, as well as providing both private and group coaching sessions.

I draw from ancient technologies such as Kundalini yoga, a variety of movement practices, feminine form Ayurveda, Massage Therapy, Energy & Sound Healing, and the nourishing power of whole food nutrition. Let me be your guide on the journey of self-care and self-love, empowering you to live a life filled with purpose, passion, and pleasure.

Practicing Self Care


Guiding a Retreat in Greece



Tara G

Teacher & Mom

I'm a working mom with two kids and didn't think I could do a cleanse with all I have going on. This cleanse is easy and approachable, and left me feeling so renewed. My family even loved the kitchari and we eat it all the time now!"


Julie B

Account Executive & Mom

I did this cleanse to help my body physically, but what I came away with more than anything else was a deeper understanding of who I am, and what some of the blockages are that I need to work through to take my life in the direction of my dreams.


Stacie L

Program Director

Rian has a true gift for leading beautiful, transformative offerings. I left on such a high. I learned so many things about myself and many other amazing women. Rian creates a space where people can come as they are and feel completely seen, heard, loved, and connected. I wish all women could experience something like this in their lifetime."

Want to learn more about Ayurveda first?

Join me for my Spring Renewal Workshop

April 6th 12:30pm-2pm MST

Learn how to establish rhythms, rituals, and routines rooted in Ayurveda so you can optimize your health by caring for your body, mind and spirit through food, life-style, and self-care practices

In This Webinar You Will Learn:

What is Kapha dosha and its connection to the Spring season

Tips for balancing Kapha through lifestyle practices, spices and food

Herbal support so you can Bloom to Boom and Energize Your Spring

Create Daily Rituals for the Spring Season

Booklet of delicious and healthy Kapha-balancing recipes

Connect with Me




Rian Elizabeth

Wellness Coach

Phone Number:


Social Media


Soul Full Wellness Colorado

Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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